Código fuente de '3 funciones con fechas.asp'

<title>3 funciones con fechas - Códigos asp, programacion asp, descargas asp, rutinas asp</title>
<body style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 9pt">
<p align="center"><b><font size="3">3 funciones con fechas</font></b></p>
Aquí tienes 3 funciones que trabajan con fechas:

' =========================================================================
' Wrote this function because the VBscript date formatting left me missing one format.
' That is "Month Day, Year" and "Month Year"
' "sDate" is a valid date, "bDay" is TRUE/FALSE to return DAY, and "bYear" is 
' TRUE/FALSE to return YEAR
' =========================================================================

function FormatoFecha(sDate, bDay, bYear)
    dim theMonths, iMonth, iDay, iYear
    theMonths =  Array("Enero", "Febrero", "Marzo", "Abril", "Mayo", "Junio", "Julio", "Agosto", "Septiembre", "Octubre", "Noviembre", "Diciembre")    
    iMonth = month(sDate)
    iDay = day(sDate)
    iYear = year(sDate)
    ' Remember to substract one from iMonth due to array index of 0
    FormatoFecha = theMonths(iMonth-1) 
    if bDay and bYear then
        FormatoFecha = iDay & " de " & FormatoFecha & " " & " de " & iYear
    elseif bDay and not bYear then
        FormatoFecha =  iDay & " " & FormatoFecha 
    elseif not bDay and bYear then
        FormatoFecha = FormatoFecha & " de " & iYear
    end if
end function
' =================================================================

' =================================================================
' This will return total number of years and months
' "iMonths" is the total number of months
' =================================================================
function MesesAAnyos(iMonths)
    on error resume next
    iTotalYears = iMonths\12
    iTmpMonths = iTotalYears * 12
    iTotalMonths = iMonths - iTmpMonths
    if iTotalYears > 1 then
        sYears = " Años"
        sYears = " Año"
    end if
    if iTotalMonths > 1 then
        sMonths = " Meses"
        sMonths = " Mes"
    end if
    if iTotalYears > 0 and iTotalMonths > 0 then
        MesesAAnyos = iTotalYears & sYears & " y " & iTotalMonths & sMonths
    elseif iTotalYears > 0 and iTotalMonths = 0 then
        MesesAAnyos = iTotalYears & sYears
    elseif iTotalYears = 0 and iTotalMonths > 0 then
        MesesAAnyos = iTotalMonths & sMonths
        MesesAAnyos = "ERROR"
    end if

end function
' =================================================================

' =================================================================
' Determine if passed date "vDate" falls on a holiday
' =================================================================
function EsFiesta(vDate)
  Dim Y, iNumHol, Dy, N, M 
  Y = Year(vDate)
  M = Month(vDate)
  EsFiesta = False
  Select Case M
  Case 1
    '---- NewYears day
    If Day(vDate) = 1 Or (Day(vDate) = 2 And WeekDay(vDate) = vbMonday) Then
      EsFiesta = True
      '---- Martin Luther King day
      If vDate = FirstMonday(Y, 1) + (2 * 7) Then
        EsFiesta = True
      End If
    End If

  case 3,4
    '---- Good Friday
    if isGoodFriday(vDate) then 
        EsFiesta = True
        sHolidayName = "GOOD FRIDAY"
        sHolidayName = ""
    end if
  Case 2
    '---- Presidents day
    If vDate = FirstMonday(Y, 2) + (2 * 7) Then EsFiesta = True
  Case 5
    '---- Memorial day (last week of month)
    Dy = FirstMonday(Y, 5) + (4 * 7)
    If Month(Dy) <> 5 Then Dy = Dy - 7
    If vDate = Dy Then EsFiesta = True
  Case 7
    '---- Independance day
    If Day(vDate) = 4 Or (Day(vDate) = 3 And WeekDay(vDate) = vbFriday) Or (Day(vDate) = 5 And WeekDay(vDate) = vbMonday) Then EsFiesta = True
  Case 9
    '---- Labor day
    If vDate = FirstMonday(Y, 9) Then EsFiesta = True
  Case 10
    '---- Columbus day
    If vDate = FirstMonday(Y, 10) + 7 Then EsFiesta = True
  Case 11
    '---- Veterans day
    If Day(vDate) = 11 Or (Day(vDate) = 10 And WeekDay(vDate) = vbFriday) Or (Day(vDate) = 12 And WeekDay(vDate) = vbMonday) Then
      EsFiesta = True
      '---- Thanksgiving day (last week of month)
      Dy = FirstMonday(Y, 11) + 3 + (3 * 7)
      If Month(Dy) <> 11 Then Dy = Dy - 7
      If vDate = Dy Then EsFiesta = True
    End If
  Case 12
    '---- Christmas day
    If Day(vDate) = 25 Or (Day(vDate) = 24 And WeekDay(vDate) = vbFriday) Or (Day(vDate) = 26 And WeekDay(vDate) = vbMonday) Or (Day(vDate) = 31 And WeekDay(vDate) = vbFriday) Then EsFiesta = True
  End Select
End function

' Used by EsFiesta sub
Function FirstMonday(Y, M)
  Dim lDay, N
  lDay = DateSerial(Y, M, 1)
  For N = lDay To lDay + 6
    If N Mod 7 = vbMonday Then Exit For
  FirstMonday = N
End Function

' Used by EsFiesta sub
' Determine if date is Good Friday
function isGoodFriday(vDate)
    ' Calculation adapted from algorithm at http://www.smart.net/~mmontes/carter.html
    dim iCentury, iYear2, iG, iK, iI, iJ, iL, iEasterMonth, iEasterDay, dtGoodFriday

    ' Find date of Easter
    iYear2 = year(vDate)
    iCentury = iYear2\100
    iG = iYear2 mod 19
    iK = (iCentury - 17)\25
    iI = (iCentury - iCentury\4 - (iCentury - iK)\3 + 19*iG + 15) mod 30
    iI = iI - (iI\28)*(1 - (iI\28)*(29\(iI + 1))*((21 - iG)\11))
    iJ = (iYear2 + iYear2\4 + iI + 2 - iCentury + iCentury\4) mod 7
    iL = iI - iJ
    iEasterMonth = 3 + (iL + 40)\44
    iEasterDay = iL + 28 - 31*(iEasterMonth\4)

    ' Good Friday is 2 days before Easter
    dtGoodFriday = datevalue((iEasterMonth & "/" & iEasterDay & "/" & iYear2)) - 2

    if vDate = dtGoodFriday then
        isGoodFriday = True
        isGoodFriday = False
    end if
end function
' =================================================================

response.write "<br><b>FormatoFecha</b>"
response.write "<br>FormatoFecha(""1/4/2004"",true,true)= " & FormatoFecha("1/4/2004",true,true)
response.write "<br>FormatoFecha(""1/4/2004"",true,false)= " & FormatoFecha("1/4/2004",true,false)
response.write "<br>FormatoFecha(""1/4/2004"",false,true)= " & FormatoFecha("1/4/2004",false,true)
response.write "<br>FormatoFecha(""1/4/2004"",false,false)= " & FormatoFecha("1/4/2004",false,false)
response.write "<br><b>EsFiesta</b>"
response.write "<br>EsFiesta(""1/1/2004"")= " &EsFiesta("1/1/2004")
response.write "<br><b>MesesAAnyos</b>"
response.write "<br>MesesAAnyos(123)= " & MesesAAnyos(123)
