Código fuente de 'Calendario del mes.asp'
<title>Calendario del mes - Códigos asp, programacion asp, descargas asp, rutinas asp</title>
<body style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 9pt">
<p align="center"><b><font size="3">Calendario del mes</font></b></p>
'Created 2001 by Jason Benassi
'email jbenassi@futurecasting.com
'To change the month, Pass in a date with POST or GET of a valid date
'to a variable named incDate
Function GetDateName (monthNumber)
Select Case monthNumber
Case 1
GetDateName = "Enero"
Case 2
GetDateName = "Febrero"
Case 3
GetDateName = "Marzo"
Case 4
GetDateName = "Abril"
Case 5
GetDateName = "Mayo"
Case 6
GetDateName = "Junio"
Case 7
GetDateName = "Julio"
Case 8
GetDateName = "Agosto"
Case 9
GetDateName = "Septiembre"
Case 10
GetDateName = "Octubre"
Case 11
GetDateName = "Noviembre"
Case 12
GetDateName = "Diciembre"
End Select
End Function
Dim incDate , boxSize
'Pixel size for the cell boxes
boxSize = "70"
incDate = Request("incDate")
If Not incDate <> "" Then
'Get the current months first day
' incDate = DatePart ("m" , Date) & "/01/" & DatePart("yyyy" , Date)
incDate = "01/" & DatePart ("m" , Date) & "/" & DatePart("yyyy" , Date)
End If
<p align="center"><b><%=GetDateName (DatePart ("m" , incDate)) & " " & DatePart("yyyy" , incDate)%></b></p>
<td width="100%">
<table border="1" width="750" bordercolorlight="#319A63" bordercolordark="#FFFFFF">
<td width="<%=boxSize%>" align="left" nowrap><font face="Arial Narrow" size="2"><b>Domingo</b></font></td>
<td width="<%=boxSize%>" align="left" nowrap><font face="Arial Narrow" size="2"><b>Lunes</b></font></td>
<td width="<%=boxSize%>" align="left" nowrap><font face="Arial Narrow" size="2"><b>Martes</b></font></td>
<td width="<%=boxSize%>" align="left" nowrap><font face="Arial Narrow" size="2"><b>Miércoles</b></font></td>
<td width="<%=boxSize%>" align="left" nowrap><font face="Arial Narrow" size="2"><b>Jueves</b></font></td>
<td width="<%=boxSize%>" align="left" nowrap><font face="Arial Narrow" size="2"><b>Viernes</b></font></td>
<td width="<%=boxSize%>" align="left" nowrap><font face="Arial Narrow" size="2"><b>Sábado</b></font></td>
'Calendar loop
Dim w , d , count, dispDay, currDay
dateCount = incDate
count = 1
dispDay = 1
For w = 1 to 6
For d = 1 to 7
If Not (count => DatePart("w" , incDate)) And (count < 8) Then
<td width="<%=boxSize%>" height="<%=boxSize%>" valign="top" align="left"> </td>
count = count + 1
If IsDate( DatePart("m" , incDate) & "/" & dispDay & "/" & DatePart("yyyy" , incDate)) Then
currDay = DatePart("m" , incDate) & "/" & dispDay & "/" & DatePart("yyyy" , incDate)
If currDay = CStr(Date) Then
<td bgcolor ="green" width="<%=boxSize%>" align="left" height="<%=boxSize%>" valign="top"><%=dispDay%></td>
<td width="<%=boxSize%>" align="left" height="<%=boxSize%>" valign="top"><%=dispDay%></td>
End If
count = count + 1
dispDay = dispDay + 1
<td width="<%=boxSize%>" align="left" height="<%=boxSize%>" valign="top"> </td>
End If
End If