Código fuente de 'Calculadora.asp'

<title>Calculadora  - Códigos asp, programacion asp, descargas asp, rutinas asp</title>
    ' Name: Calculator
    ' Description:Show the Math Capabilities
    '     of VBScript
    ' By: martin castañeda
    'This code is copyrighted and has    ' limited warranties.Please see 
    'http://www.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=6078&lngWId=4    'for details.    '**************************************
    <FONT face="Arial" size="3">Calculadora<BR></FONT>
    <TABLE border=7 width="211">
    <TD colspan=3 align=middle><INPUT name=display size=22></TD>
    <TD width="52"><INPUT type=button name=one value="  1  "></TD>
    <TD width="91" align="center"><INPUT type=button name=two value="  2  "></TD>
    <TD width="34" align="right"><INPUT type=button name=three value="  3  "></TD>
    <TD width="52"><INPUT type=button name=four value="  4  "></TD>
    <TD width="91" align="center"><INPUT type=button name=five value="  5  "></TD>
    <TD width="34" align="right"><INPUT type=button name=six value="  6  "></TD>
    <TD width="52"><INPUT type=button name=seven value="  7  "></TD>
    <TD width="91" align="center"><INPUT type=button name=eight value="  8  "></TD>
    <TD width="34" align="right"><INPUT type=button name=nine value="  9  "></TD>
    <TD width="52"></TD>
    <TD width="91" align="center"><INPUT type=button name=zero value="  0  "></TD>
    <TD width="34" align="right"></TD>
    <TD width="52"><INPUT type=button name=point value="  .  "></TD>
    <TD width="91" align="center"><INPUT type=button name=plus value="  +  "></TD>
    <TD width="34" align="right"><INPUT type=button name=minus value="  -  "></TD>
    <TD width="52"><INPUT type=button name=multiply value="  x  "></TD>
    <TD width="91" align="center"><INPUT type=button name=divide value="  /  "></TD>
    <TD width="34" align="right"><INPUT type=button name=equals value="  =  "></TD>
    <TD width="52"></TD>
    <TD width="91"><INPUT type=button name=reset value=" borrar"></TD>
    <TD width="34"></TD> 
    <A href=index.htm>VBScript Calculator Created by Martin Casta&ntilde;eda</font></A>
    <SCRIPT language=vbscript>
    Dim operator
    Dim buffer
    Sub one_onclick
    display.value = display.value + "1"
    End Sub
    Sub two_onclick
    display.value = display.value + "2"
    End Sub
    Sub three_onclick
    display.value = display.value + "3"
    End Sub
    Sub four_onclick
    display.value = display.value + "4"
    End Sub
    Sub five_onclick
    display.value = display.value + "5"
    End Sub
    Sub six_onclick
    display.value = display.value + "6"
    End Sub
    Sub seven_onclick
    display.value = display.value + "7"
    End Sub
    Sub eight_onclick
    display.value = display.value + "8"
    End Sub
    Sub nine_onclick
    display.value = display.value + "9"
    End Sub
    Sub zero_onclick
    display.value = display.value + "0"
    End Sub
    Sub point_onclick
    display.value = display.value + "."
    End Sub
    Sub plus_onclick
    call determine 
    End Sub
    Sub minus_onclick
    call determine
    End Sub
    Sub multiply_onclick
    call determine
    End Sub
    Sub divide_onclick
    call determine
    End Sub
    Sub equals_onclick
    call determine
    End Sub
    Sub reset_onclick
    call initialize
    End Sub
    Sub initialize
    End Sub
    Sub determine
    Dim result
    if Not isnumeric(display.value) Then display.value="0"
    if Not isnumeric(buffer) Then buffer="0"
    if operator="" Then result=csng(display.value)
    if operator="plus" Then result = csng(buffer) + csng(display.value)
    if operator="minus" Then result = csng(buffer) - csng(display.value)
    if operator="multiply" Then result = csng(buffer) * csng(display.value)
    if operator="divide" Then result = csng(buffer) / csng(display.value)
    End Sub