Código fuente de 'Reordena arrays aleatoriamente.asp'
<title>Reordena arrays aleatoriamente - Códigos asp, programacion asp, descargas asp, rutinas asp</title>
<p align="center"><b><font size="3">Reordena arrays aleatoriamente</font></b>
<body style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 11pt"></p>
Function ReOrderArrayIndexed(ByVal aArray)
Dim iCount
iCount = UBound(aArray)
'Create a string of indexes
Dim iLoop, strIndex, iUpper, iLower
iLower = LBound(aArray)
For iLoop = iLower to iCount
strIndex = strIndex & CStr(iLoop)
If iLoop < iCount then strIndex = strIndex & ","
'Choose a Random Index
Randomize Timer
Dim iRnd, aTmp, iTmpUpper, strNewIndex
Redim aTmp(iCount)
'Iterate through, plucking out indexes from aTmp
For iLoop = iLower to iCount
iTmpUpper = iCount - iLoop
'Rebuild the aTmp array
ReDim Preserve aTmp(iTmpUpper)
aTmp = split(strIndex, ",")
'Choose a spot in the index array
iRnd = Int(Rnd * (iTmpUpper + 1))
'Build up the reordered array in string form
strNewIndex = strNewIndex & aArray(aTmp(iRnd)) & ","
'Remove the chosen index to the end of the array and
'chop off the last element
aTmp(iRnd) = aTmp(iTmpUpper)
ReDim Preserve aTmp(iTmpUpper - 1)
strIndex = join(aTmp, ",")
'At this point, strNewIndex contains a comma at the end,
'so we need to hack this off before building the array
'with split...
strNewIndex = Left(strNewIndex, Len(strNewIndex) - 1)
ReOrderArrayIndexed = split(strNewIndex, ",")
End Function
response.write "<b>El vector es : </b> 14,hola,21,valencia,33,astalaweb,9,feo,11,baloncesto<br>"
response.write "<br><b>Resultado (ordena aleatoriamente): </b>"
MyArray = Array(14,"hola",21,"valencia",33,"astalaweb",9,"feo",11,"baloncesto")
MyArray = ReOrderArrayIndexed(MyArray)
For I = 0 to Ubound(MyArray)
if i<Ubound(MyArray) then
Response.Write MyArray(I) & "," & vbCRLF
Response.Write MyArray(I)
end if
response.write "<br><br>Pulsa el botón de refrescar para un nuevo resultado"