Random URL
A nice feature could be a random URL , you could also use this for text based advertising to produce random advertising links . Text based advertising is quite popular still . Anyway here is the example .
Here is the code
Dim RandomLink , strURL , strDesc
RandomLink = Int(Rnd * 5) + 1
Select Case RandomLink
Case "1"
strURL ="http://www.yahoo.com"
strDesc = "Yahoo"
Case "2"
strURL ="http://www.google.com"
strDesc ="Google"
Case "3"
strURL = "http://www.excite.com"
strDesc ="Excite"
Case "4"
strURL ="http://www.altavista.com"
strDesc = "Altavista"
Case "5"
strURL ="http://www.msn.com"
strDesc = "MSN"
Case Else
strURL ="http://asp.myscripting.com"
strDesc = "Beginners ASP"
End Select
Todays featured link is<%= strDesc %>