This is a neat random quote example . Firstly add the following code to your page you want the quotes to appear on. <% 'pick a random entry from 1 to 10 Randomize NumberOfQuotes = Int(Rnd*10) 'open the quotes file Set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set InStream = fso.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath("/quotes") & "/quotes.txt",1,false,false) For i = 1 to NumberOfQuotes - 1 InStream.SkipLine() Next 'assign the variable to the selected quote NumberOfQuotes = InStream.ReadLine %> Now to display the result on your page place the following where you wish the quotes to appear. <%= NumberOfQuotes%> Now create a folder called quotes and a text file called quotes.txt . In this text file create 10 seperate lines of text.